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Romaria - Choral Music from Brazil



Playing time: 70'48"
Tracks: 22
Booklet pages: 28
© 2015 Delphian Records Ltd
Reviewer: Gerald Fenech
Review of Romaria - Choral Music from Brazil published on 22 June 2015

Listen: Aylton Escobar: Gloria (Missa breve sobre ritmos populares brasileiros) (track 18, 0:00-0:56)

Choir of Gonville and Caius College Cambridge
Geoffrey Webber, director

Henrique de Curitiba (1934-2008):
1 Metaphors

Billie Robson, soprano
Emily Kay, soprano
Edward Button, alto
James Robinson, tenor
Malachy Frame, bass
John Gowers, bass
Tape reconstructed by Denise Hiromi Aoki

arranged by Ernst Mahle (born 1929):
from Carimbó (Suite of folksongs from the State of Pará)
2 Jakaré
3 Lavadeira
Elunyd Bradshaw, soprano
4 Siriri
5 O Pau rolou
6 Vamo acabá co'este samba

Osvaldo Lacerda (1927-2011):
7 Romaria
Marco Antonio da Silva Ramos, narrator

Carlos A Pinto Fonseca (1933-2006):
8 Jubiabá
Imogen Sebba, soprano

Ernani Aguiar (born 1950):
Antiquae Preces Christianae
9 Gloria Patri
10 Rector potens
11 Te lucis ante terminum

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959):
12 Cor dulce, cor amabile

J A de Almeida Prado (1943-2010):
13 Oráculo

Cláudio Santoro (1919-1989):
14 Ave-Maria

arranged by M A da Silva Ramos (born 1950):
15 Moreninha se eu te pedisse

Nibaldo Araneda (born 1968):
16 Ismália

Aylton Escobar (born 1943):
Missa breve sobra ritmos populares brasileiros
17 Kyrie / Modinha
18 Gloria / Cantoria e dança
Katie Braithwaite, mezzo-soprano
James Robinson, tenor
19 Sanctus / Ponteado
20 Benedictus / Toada
Susannah Bagnall, soprano
Katie Braithwaite, alto
James Robinson, tenor
Nicholas Doig, bass
21 Agnus Dei / Acalanto

Heitor Villa-Lobos:
22 Magnificat-Alleluia
Kate Symonds-Joy, mezzo-soprano
Liam Crangle, organ

'Romaria', suggesting pilgrimage, crowds and processions, evokes much of the distinctiveness and special feeling of modern Brazil - its mix of people, extraordinary vibrancy and faith. This survey of modern Brazilian choral music reflects all of these qualities, as well as the country's amazing natural wonders. Geoffrey Webber and his ever-adventurous choir sing sacred and secular music dating from 1950 to the present day, in a programme developed in conjunction with experts from the music department at the University of São Paulo. The collaboration also led to the reconstruction of the rainforest soundtrack which originally accompanied Henrique de Curitiba's Metaphors.

Recorded 3-5 July 2014 in Girton College Chapel, Cambridge, UK


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