Eminently Successful
Reconstructed music from the Celtic church -
heard by PAUL SARCICH'... immaculate in execution ...'
This disc is perhaps best described as a work of speculative musical archaeology. How does one go about recreating music for which there is no surviving aural evidence? Or much written evidence for that matter. In a booklet which includes all the texts and translations, ten pages by choral director Geoffrey Webber and piper and scholar Barnaby Brown succinctly give a complete background to the whole project, whose focus is on seventh century hymns from Iona, tenth century chants from Irish foundations in Switzerland, and fourteenth century antiphons from Inchcolm Abbey in the Firth of Forth; but also manages to include influences from Sardinia, the Outer Hebrides, Germany, Spain and Wales...
Copyright © 15 April 2015
Paul Sarcich, London UK