White Mass
Andrei Korobeinikov plays Scriabin -
heard by HOWARD SMITH'... vividly performed ...'
Andrei Korobeinikov's CD notes are by none other than Scriabin authority André Lischke, formerly of 'La Pensée russe'. Lischke writes: 'Grouped together in a number of collections, Scriabin's etudes mark out each stage of his life and display both his technical relationship to the keyboard and the evolution of his harmonic language, from the influence of Chopin to atonalism. Contemporary with the final studies, the seventh of his ten sonatas, entitled White Mass, written in 1912, is a highpoint of his entire output, looking far ahead into the sound world of the twentieth century.'
This recording clearly highlights Korobeinikov's attributes as a perceptive Scriabin interpreter...
Copyright © 22 January 2015
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand