Sorrows of Young Rossini
GIUSEPPE PENNISI sends a second report from the 2014 Rossini Opera Festival
The main objective of the Rossini Opera Festival (ROF) is to stage 'critical editions' of Rossini's works. This year, with the staging of the critical edition of Aureliano in Palmira, this task had been accomplished after a journey that has lasted thirty five years. However, even though Rossini retired from active duties at the age of thirty-seven, his production is an immense attraction: a new quintet for La Gazzetta has been discovered, and of course, a new 'critical edition' of that opera will be staged in the 2015 festival, along with a new production of La Donna del Lago and a revival of Ciro in Babilonia.
Aureliano in Palmira has been shown several times in Italy and once in Germany, but in drastically curtailed versions...
Copyright © 9 September 2014
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy