Highly Sensitive
Brahms from Stephanie Sant'Ambrogio -
recommended by PATRIC STANDFORD'... the authority and tenderness of fresh interpretations.'
They are an intensely musical family, these Sant'Ambrogios! Father John was a cellist with the Boston Symphony and principal with the Saint Louis Symphony until he retired around ten years ago, and Stephanie has a sister cellist, a member of the Eroica Trio. None of them are then strangers to chamber music, and with pianist and composer James Winn, her colleague on the teaching staff of the University of Nevada at Reno, her recording of the Brahms Sonatas shows energetic fervor, delicacy and a warm instinct for phrasing in equal measures throughout. The power of Stephanie Sant'Ambrigio's performance of that early Scherzo is impressive, matching as it does the youthful excitement of a twenty-year old composer meeting the challenge of writing a movement for a sonata to welcome the great violinist Joachim to a visit to the Schumanns...
Copyright © 9 February 2014
Patric Standford, Suffolk UK