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Madrigalian Motets from Jacobean England - Quire Cleveland



Playing time: 62'33"
Tracks: 18
Booklet pages: 16
© 2013 Quire Cleveland
Reviewer: Gerald Fenech
Review of Madrigalian Motets from Jacobean England - Quire Cleveland published on 11 February 2014

Listen: George Kirbye: Vox in Rama (track 16, 0:00-0:59)

Quire Cleveland
Ross W Duffin, artistic director

Five-voice motets

Richard Nicolson (fl1595-1639):
1 Cantate Domino

Alfonso Ferrabosco Jr (c1575-1628):
2 Ego dixi Domine
3 Convertere Domine

Martin Peerson (c1572-1651), reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
4 Laboravi in gemitu meo

Thomas Lupo (1571-1627/8):
5 Miserere mei

Thomas Ravenscroft (c1590-c1635):
6 Ne læteris

Alfonso Ferrabosco Jr:
7 O nomen Jesu

Martin Peerson, reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
8 O rex gloriæ

Six-voice motets

Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656), reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
9 Celebrate Jehovam

John Wilbye (1574-1638):
10 Homo natus de muliere

Robert Ramsey (fl1616-1644):
11 In monte Oliveti

John Mundy (c1555-1630), reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
12 Judica me Deus

William Byrd (1539/40-1623):
13 Laudate Dominum

Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623), reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
14 O vos omnes

William Byrd:
15 Venite exultemus

George Kirbye (died 1634), reconstructed by Ross W Duffin:
16 Vox in Rama

Seven-voice motet

John Tomkins (1586-1638):
17 Cantate Domino

Eight-voice motet

Hieronymous Prætorius (1560-1629):
18 Laudate Dominum

Recorded in September 2012 at Historic St Peter Church, Cleveland, Ohio, USA


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