HOWARD SMITH describes the Serbian pianist's return to New Zealand
Early this year when Serbian concert piano virtuoso and teacher Sonja Radojkovic required hospitalization in her native Belgrade, two or three upcoming NZ recitals could not be rescheduled during the South-west Pacific events season.
To save the day Hutt Valley Chamber Music penciled in a concert for Tuesday 20 August 2013 -- the program: Beethoven Waldstein Sonata, Brahms Paganini Variations (Book 2), Schumann Etudes Symphoniques Op 13 and Liszt's Mephisto Waltz No 1.
As August approached and while Sonja was touring in Scandinavia, she chose to drop Mephisto and substitute Debussy's Children's Corner Suite...
Copyright © 6 September 2013 Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand