J S Bach from Don Freund -
explored by ANDREW SCHARTMANN'... all the quirkiness of a Gould performance, but little of the talent.'
'What might distinguish a 'composer's approach' to performing the preludes and fugues of the first book of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier?' With this question in mind, American pianist and composer Don Freund begins his quest to provide us with an 'insider's view' of what Hans von Bülow called music's 'Old Testament'. Listeners are promised performances that will permit them to hear these works as a 'compositional process' -- a way 'to experience Bach's ideas, wit, ingenuity, challenges, pathos, joy -- all those things that go on in the mind and heart of a creating musician as he or she fashions a composed musical adventure.' A tall order, to say the least...
Copyright © 10 June 2013
Andrew Schartmann, Montreal, Canada