Major Joys
Los Angeles Philharmonic's 'The Marriage of Figaro' delights MARIA NOCKIN
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed the opera buffa, Le nozze di Figaro ossia la folle giornata ('The Marriage of Figaro or the Crazy Day'), in 1786, to a libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. Mozart gave the Beaumarchais' play to Da Ponte who, in the short space of six weeks turned it into a libretto. The censors had shut down Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais' original play, but Da Ponte thought he could get the opera passed in Vienna by having Figaro rail against women instead of the political system. He wrote the libretto in poetic Italian, removing all the offensive political references found in the original...
Copyright © 29 May 2013
Maria Nockin, Arizona USA