Still Radical
Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring', heard by GIUSEPPE PENNISI
On 5 January 2013 in Rome, the weather was Spring-like with temperatures reaching 20 degrees centigrade at noon time and sliding to 8 degrees at 9pm. It may seem that just to take account of these unusual weather conditions, the National Academy of Saint Cecilia had programmed -- for 5-8 December -- a concert on the theme of Spring. Two rather rare pieces by Debussy (Printemps) and Rachmaninoff (Spring Cantata) in the first part paved the way for Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps after the interval. It is certainly unusual to plan a Spring-themed concert on Epiphany Night, a major popular night of celebration in Rome...
Copyright © 8 January 2013
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy