Strikingly Consistent
Elena Kuschnerova plays Schumann -
heard by HOWARD SMITH'... sparkling vivacity and palpable ardour.'
Elena Kuschnerova's strikingly consistent artistry spans a broad repertoire as evidenced in such acclaimed recordings as Prokofiev (Ars Musici [GER], 1997), Stravinsky (Ars Produktion, 2005), Bach (Orfeo [GER], 2001) and Mahler transcribed by E K (Real Sound, Italy, 2001).
Now she adds three further works to her 1996 Moscow Conservatory Bella Musica recording (9628553) of Faschingsschwank aus Wien ('Carnival Scenes from Vienna') Op 26. The first four movements were written in Vienna, and the last on Schumann's return to Leipzig.
When selecting nineteenth century piano works for present day recitals, Robert Schumann's WoO 31; the Beethoven 'Etudes' (1831-35) are too seldom chosen...
Copyright © 1 July 2012
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand