Art Fire Soul - Piano Works of Judith Lang Zaimont
MS 1366 (2 discs)
Playing time: 79'57"/75'39" - TT 155'36"
Tracks: 20 + 30
Booklet pages: 16
© 2011 Judith Lang Zaimont
Reviewer: Howard Smith
Review of Art Fire Soul - Piano Works of Judith Lang Zaimont published on 18 February 2016
Listen: Judith Lang Zaimont: Hesitation Rag (CD2 track 27, 2:40-3:34)
Elizabeth Moak, piano
Judith Lang Zaimont (born 1945):
CD1 - concert pieces
Sonata (1999-2000) 1 Ricerca 2 Canto 3 Impronta digitale
Calendar Collection (1976) - Spring 4 March: The Winds Depart 5 April: The First Bird-song 6 May: The May-fly
Jupiter's Moons (2000) 7 The Moons Swim in Orbit 8 Europa 9 Leda 10 Io 11 Ganymede 12 Callisto
Calendar Collection - Summer 13 July: Holiday 14 August: Anthem 15 September: The Winds Arise
16 Wizards - Three Magic Masters (2003) Spell Caster (Rhetorical) Spell Weaver (Lyrical) Magister Sorcerer (Energetic)
Calendar Collection - Autumn 17 October: Autumn Thoughts 18 November: Secret Thunder 19 December: Sleighride
20 Nocturne: La fin de siècle (1979)
CD2 - character pieces
A Calendar Set - 12 Virtuosic Preludes (1974-75) 1 January: 'Whose morning drumbeat, following the sun, and keeping company with the hours, circles the earth' (Daniel Webster) 2 February: Palace of Ice 3 March: 'The braggart March' (Robert Burns Wilson) 4 April: 'You know how it is with an April day' (Robert Frost) 5 May: 'As full of spirit as the month of May, and gorgeous' (William Shakespeare) 6 June: 'Then, if ever, come perfect days' (James Russell Lowell) 7 July: The Glorious Fourth! 8 August: 'Dry August and warm' (Thomas Tusser) 9 September: 'Where blue is darkened on blueness / down the way Persephone goes just now / in first-frosted September' (D H Lawrence) 10 October: 'The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves' (Humbert Wolfe) 11 November: 'November's sky is chill and drear' (Sir Walter Scott) 12 December: The Carols
13 Cortège for Jack (2010) (first recording)
14 Jazz Waltz (from Suite Impressions, 1996)
American City: Portrait of New York (1957/2010) (first recording) 15 Rush Hour 16 Harbor Fog 17 Coffee House 18 Central Park 19 'Scrapers 20 Garment Factory
21 Hitchin' - A Travellin' Groove (2007)
In My Lunchbox (2003) (first recording) 22 Swimming Tuna 23 Celery Stalks 24 The Banana Song 25 Mandarin Orange 26 Dessert - Sugar Rush
27 Hesitation Rag (1998)
28 Reflective Rag (1975)
29 Judy's Rag (1974)
30 Serenade (2006)
CD1 recorded 13-17 June 2011 at Bailey Performing Arts Center, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA CD2 recorded 21-24 March 2011 at Snow Recital Hall, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas, USA