Beautifully Presented
Christmas vocal pieces -
heard by PATRIC STANDFORD'... lively readings ...'
The New York based ensemble Parthenia is described by the New Yorker as 'one of the brightest lights in the city's early-music scene' and this CD provides every reason to uphold that view with some enthusiasm. Julianne Baird has the right voice for the distinctive selection of Christmas vocal pieces, and the consort of viols give lively readings of an interesting variety of instrumental music from the time of Elizabeth I. Of course, the particular interest of the period is the judicious mixing of Protestant and Catholic liturgical music, a principal protagonist being William Byrd who is featured on seven tracks and who, though a devout Catholic, did not allow this to detract him from a skilful application to Protestant English texts in his Songs of Sundrie Natures of 1589. It is from this set that the 'carowle' From Virgin's Womb comes...
Copyright © 18 December 2011
Patric Standford, Wakefield UK