Eclectic Style
A triple concerto by Graham Reynolds -
recommended by RON BIERMAN'Performances are equal to the occasion ...'
We've had music composed by computers, and now Graham Reynolds gives us music inspired by one -- or more accurately -- by the calculator Charles Babbage designed in the early nineteenth century to produce 'astronomical and mathematical tables.' Babbage's ideas for that 'difference engine' (actually built in 1991) preceded those for his better-known analytical engine, generally thought of as the first modern computer.
Reynolds, a prolific composer and performer, has five symphonies to his credit along with music for film, theater, dance, and rock clubs. His best known score is probably the one he wrote for the science-fiction film A Scanner Darkly.
This release resides somewhere between film and classical music, but is closer to the former...
Copyright © 23 April 2011
Ron Bierman, San Diego, USA