Ho hum!
Vidor Nagy plays Bach and Paganini -
reviewed by HOWARD SMITH'... moments of splendour.'
On this showing, Vidor Nagy has the measure of both Bach's Chaccone and sixteen of Paganini's 24 Caprices. However, unlike much of the competition, this is not virtuoso playing. That wouldn't be the slightest drawback were it not for the impression that here and there Nagy's deliberate style borders on the 'pedestrian'.
The church referred to in Edition HERA's title is Die reformierte Kirche von Alsóörs (The Reformed Church of Alsóörs), located sixty-six metres above Lake Balaton in Transdanubian western Hungary. Alas, little is made of this setting, and Nagy is filmed in black and white from unvarying eye-level perspectives throughout...
Copyright © 28 December 2010
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand