The Sibelius Edition - 11: Choral Music
BIS-CD-1930/32 (6 discs)
Playing time: 78'52" / 76'06" / 66'31" / 73'21" / 65'10" / 77'34" - TT 437'34"
Tracks: 14 + 28 + 31 + 33 + 34 + 31
Booklet pages: 268
© 1996-2010 BIS Records AB
Reviewer: Robert Anderson
Review of The Sibelius Edition - 11: Choral Music published on 27 September 2010
Johan (Jean) Christian Julius Sibelius (1865-1957):
Music for Male Voice Choir
Kullervo Op 7 (1892) Movements III and V for soloists, male voice choir and piano (First recordings) 1 Kullervo ja hänen sisarensa (Kullervo and his Sister)
Johanna Rusanen, soprano Jorma Hynninen, baritone YL Male Voice Choir Ilmo Ranta, piano Matti Hyökki, conductor
2 Kullervon kuolema (Kullervo's Death)
YL Male Voice Choir Ilmo Ranta, piano Matti Hyökki, conductor
3 Rakastava (The Lover) JS 160a (1893)
Tuomas Katajala, tenor YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Six Songs Op 18 4 Sortunut ääni (The Broken Voice) (1898) 5 Terve Kuu (Hail, O Moon) (1901) 6 Venematka (The Boat Journey) (1893) 7 Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island) (1895) 8 Metsämiehen laulu (The Woodsman's Song) (1899) 9 Sydämeni laulu (Song of my Heart) (1898)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
10 Heitä, koski, kuohuminen (Cease, O Cataract, Thy Foaming) JS 94 (1893) Completed by Erik Bergman in association with Jussi Jalas and Erik Tawaststjerna
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
11 Hymn (Natus in curas) Op 21 Revised version (1896, revised 1898)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
12 Kuutamolla (In the Moonlight) JS 114 (1898)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
13 Athenarnes sång (Song of the Athenians) Op 31 No 3 Version for boys' and mens' voices, piano and harmonium (1899)
Helsingfors gosskör Gunnar Döragrip, vocal trainer Ekenäs gosskör Kristoffer Holmberg, vocal trainer Minervaskolans musikklasskör Nike Lönnqvist, vocal trainer Akademiska Sångföreningen Folke Gräsbeck, piano Harri Viitanen, harmonium Henrik Wikström, conductor
Music for Male Voice Choir (continued)
1 Har du mod? (Have you courage?) JS 93 (1903-4) Version for male voice choir a cappella (First recording)
2 Ej med klagan (Not with Lamentation) JS 69 (1905) Version for male voice choir (First recording)
Akademiska Sångföreningen Henrik Wikström, conductor
3 Laulun mahti (The Power of Song) JS 118 (1895) Ballad by Jazeps Vitols, arranged by Jean Sibelius
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
4 Veljeni vierailla mailla (My Brothers Abroad) JS 217 (1904)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
5 Isänmaalle (To the Fatherland) JS 98b Final version (1899, revised 1908)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
6 Tulen synty (The Origin of Fire) Op 32 Version for baritone, male voice choir and piano (1902, revised 1910) (First recording)
Raimo Laukka, baritone YL Male Voice Choir Folke Gräsbeck, piano Matti Hyökki, conductor
7 Har du mod? (Have You Courage?) Op 31 No 2 Revised version for male voice choir and piano (1904, revised 1911) (First recording)
Akademiska Sångföreningen Folke Gräsbeck, piano Henrik Wikström, conductor
8 Uusmaalaisten laulu (Songs of the People of Uusimaa) JS 214b (1912) Version for male voice choir
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Five Songs Op 84 9 Herr Lager och Skön fager (Mr Lager and the Fair One) (1914) 10 På berget (On the Mountain) (1915) 11 Ett drömackord (A Dream Chord) (1915) 12 Evige Eros (Eternal Eros) (1915) Olle Persson, baritone 13 Till havs (To Sea) - published version (1917)
Orphei Drängar Robert Sund, conductor
14 Fridolins dårskap (Fridolin's Folly) JS 84 (1917)
Orphei Drängar Robert Sund, conductor
15 Jone havsfärd (Jonah's Voyage) JS 100 (1918)
Orphei Drängar Robert Sund, conductor
Two Schybergson Songs JS 224 (1918) 16 Ute hörs stormen (Outside the Storm is Raging) 17 Brusande rusar en våg (The Roaring of a Wave)
Orphei Drängar Robert Sund, conductor
18 Likhet (Resemblance) JS 121 (1922)
Orphei Drängar Robert Sund, conductor
19 Jääkärien marssi (March of the Finnish Jäger Battalion) Op 91a (1917) Original version for male voice choir and piano (First recording)
Folke Gräsbeck, piano YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Viipurin Laulu-Veikkojen kunniamarssi (Honour March of the Singing Brothers of Viipuri) 20 Version I, JS 219 21 Version II, JS 220
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Two Songs, Op 108 (1924-25) 22 Humoreski (Humoresque) 23 Ne pitkän matkan kulkijat (Wanderers on the Long Way)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
24 Skyddskårsmarsch (Skyddskår's March) JS 173 (1925) for male voice choir and piano
Akademiska Sångföreningen Folke Gräsbeck, piano Henrik Wikström, conductor
25 Siltavahti (The Guardian of the Bridge) JS 170 (1928)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
26 Karjalan osa (Karelia's Fate) (First performance) Folke Gräsbeck, piano YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
27 En etsi valtaa, loistoa (Give me no Splendour, Gold or Pomp) Op 1 No 4 Version for male voice choir (1909, revised c1942)
Olli Hannuksela, tenor YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
28 Finlandia Hymn from Op 26 (1899, arranged 1940) Version for male voice choir
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Music for Mixed Choir
1 Ensam i dunkla skogarnas famn (Alone in the Dark Forest's Clasp) JS 72 (1888)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
2 När sig våren åter föder (When Spring is Born Again) JS 139 (1888)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
3 Tanke, se, hur fågeln svingar (Thought, See how the Bird Swoops) JS 191 (1888)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
4 Hur blekt är allt (So Faded Everything Is) JS 96 (1888)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
5 Upp genom luften (Up Through the Air) JS 213 (1888)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
6 Ack, hör du fröken Gyllenborg (Ah! Listen, Miss Gyllenborg) JS 10 (1888) Arrangement of a folk ballad from Pernaja
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
7 Työkansan marssi (March of the Labourers) JS 212 (1893)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
8 Soitapas soria neito (Play, Pretty Maiden) JS 176 (1893-94) for tenor and mixed choir
Tom Nyman, tenor Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
9 Juhlamarssi (Festive March) (1894, revised 1896) (From the Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1894, JS 105)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Italian Folk Song Arrangements JS 99 (1897-98) (First recordings) Mario Costa (1858-1933): 10 Oje Carulì (Oh Caroline) (1885) Choir parts arranged by Sibelius
Jorma Hynninen, baritone Dominante Choir Folke Gräsbeck, piano Seppo Murto, conductor
11 Trippole trappole Old Spanish folk song, Neapolitan adaptation by Guglielmo Luigi Cottrau (1797-1847) Choir parts arranged by Sibelius
Dominante Choir Folke Gräsbeck, piano Seppo Murto, conductor
Lauluja sekaköörille vuoden 1897 promotioonikantaatista (Songs for Mixed Choir from the Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1897) Op 23 (arranged c1898) 12 Me nuoriso Suomen (We the Youth of Finland) 13 Tuuli tuudittele (The Wind Rocks) 14 Oi toivo, toivo, sä lietomieli (O Hope, Hope, You Dreamer) 15 Montapa elon merellä (Many on the Sea of Life) 16 Sammuva sainio maan (The Fading Thoughts of the Earth) 17 Soi kiitokseksi Luojan (We Praise Thee, our Creator) 18 Tuule, tuuli leppeämmin (Blow, Wind, More Gently) 19 Oi Lempi, sun valtas ääretön on (O Love, Your Realm is Limitless) 20 Kuin virta vuolas (As the Swift Current) 21 Oi, kallis Suomi, äiti verraton (Oh Precious Finland, Mother Beyond Compare)
Monica Groop, mezzo soprano Sauli Tiilikainen, baritone Juhani Hapuli, percussion Ari-Pekka Mäenpää, percussion Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Carminalia JS 51a (1898) Version for three part mixed choir (SAB) 22 Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy) 23 Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out) 24 In stadio laboris (In Athletic Strife)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
25 Rakastava (The Lover) JS 160c (1893, revised 1898)
Monica Groop, mezzo-soprano Jorma Hynninen, baritone Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
from Six Songs Op 18 - versions for mixed choir 26 Sortunut ääni (The Broken Voice) (1898) 27 Venematka (The Boat Journey) (1893, arranged 1914) 28 Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island) (1895, arranged 1898) 29 Sydämeni laulu (Song of my Heart) (1898, arranged 1904)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
30 Min rastas raataa (Busy as a Thrush) JS 129 (c1898)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
31 Isänmaalle (To the Fatherland) JS 98a Version for mixed choir (1899, arranged 1900)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
Music for Mixed Choir (continued)
1 Aamusumussa (In the Morning Mist) JS 9a (1898) Version for mixed choir
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Den 25 oktober 1902. Till Thérèse Hahl (25 October 1902. To Thérèse Hahl) 2 Version I, JS 60, Andantino 3 Version II, JS 61, Tranquillo
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
4 Ej med klagan (Not with Lamentation) JS 69 (1905) Published version for mixed choir
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
5 Listen to the Water Mill (fragment) JS 122 (1905/06) (First recording)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
Two Songs, Op 65 6 Män från slätten och havet (Men from Land and Sea) (1911) Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
7 Kellosävel Kallion kirkossa (The Bells of Kallio Church) (1912) Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
8 Uusmaalaisten laulu (Song of the People of Uusimaa) JS 214a (1912)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Three Songs for American Schools JS 199 (1913) 9 Autumn Song for two voices (SA) and piano 10 The Sun upon the Lake is Low for mixed choir 11 A Cavalry Catch for unison male voices and piano
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor Gustav Djupsjöbacka, piano
12 Drömmarna (The Dreams) JS 64 (1917)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
13 Partiolaisten marssi (Scout March) Op 91b (1918, revised 1921) Version for mixed choir and piano
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor Gustav Djupsjöbacka, piano
14 Koulutie (The Way to School) JS 112 (1924)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
15 Skolsång (School Song) JS 172 (1925)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
16 Den höga himlen (The Lofty Heav'n) JS 58a (1927)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
17 On lapsonen syntynyt meille (A Child is Born Unto Us) JS 142 (1929)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
18 Finlandia Hymn from Op 26 (1899, arranged 1948) Version in F major for mixed choir
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Music for Female or Children's Choir
19 Vi kysser du fader min fästmö här? (Why, O Father, do you Kiss my Bride?) JS 218 (1889-90)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Carminalia JS 51c (1898) Version for two-part female choir (SA) and piano 20 Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy) 21 Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out) 22 In staio laboris (In Athletic Strife)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor Gustav Djupsjöbacka, piano
23 Kotikaipaus (Homesickness) JS 111 (1902) for three-part female choir (SMA)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
24 Impromptu Op 19 (1902, revised 1910) Revised version for female choir and piano
Florakören Heidi Gräsbeck, vocal coach Folke Gräsbeck, piano Ulf Långbacka, conductor
25 Kansakoululaisten marssi (March of the Primary School Children) JS 103 (1910) for children's choir
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
26 Kantat till ord av W von Konow (Cantata to Words by W von Konow) JS 107 (1911) for female choir
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
27 Aamusumussa (In the Morning Mist) JS 9b Version for children's choir (1898, arranged 1913)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
28 Terve ruhtinatar (Hail, O Princess) from the Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II, JS 104 Version for children's choir (1896, arranged 1913)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
29 Nejden andas (The Landscape Breathes) from The Breaking of the Ice on the Oulu River Op 30 Version for children's choir with second ending (1899, arranged 1913)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
30 Soi kunniaksi Luojan (May the Hymn of Honour Now Resound) from the Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1897 Version for children's/female choir (1897, arranged 1913)
Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
Two Christmas Songs from Op 1 Versions for two-part female choir 31 Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Give me no Splendour, Gold or Pomp) (No 1, 1909, arranged 1942) 32 On hanget korkeat, nietokset (High are the Snowdrifts) (No 5, 1901, arranged 1942)
Florakören Heidi Gräsbeck, vocal coach Ulf Långbacka, conductor
33 The World Song of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Op 91b (1918, arranged/revised 1921 and 1951/52) for female choir and piano
Jubilate Choir Gustav Djupsjöbacka, piano Astrid Riska, conductor
Appendix I: Student Exercises - Chorales for Mixed Choir First performances
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
Chorales written for Martin Wegelius in Helsinki (1887-89) 1 Säll är den som fruktar Herren (Blessed is the Man that Feareth the Lord) 2 Svara mig Gud när jag ropar (O Lord, Give Ear to my Supplications)
Allt vad anda haver (Let Every Thing that hath Breath) 3 Version I 4 Version II
Credo in unum Deum (I Believe in One God) 5 Version I 6 Version II
7 Gloria Deo in excelsis (Glory Be to God on High)
8 Gloria in excelsis Deo (Glory Be to God on High)
9 Kyrie eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)
10 Morgonens och aftonens portar (The Gates of Morning and Evening)
Chorales written for Albert Becker in Berlin (1889-90)
11 Der König träumte (The King Saw a Dream)
12 Der Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras (As for Man, his Days are as Grass)
13 Dies ist der Tag des Herren (This is the Day which the Lord Hath Made)
14 Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit (O Send out thy Light and thy Truth)
15 Ich gehe hinein zum Altar des Gottes (Then Will I Go unto the Altar of God)
16 Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele (Why art thou Cast Down, O my soul?)
17 Gelobet sei dem Herrn (May the Lord be Praised)
18 Halleluja, Halleluja (Alleluia, Alleluia)
19 Halleluja! Amen
20 Die Wasser sahen dich (The Waters Saw Thee)
21 Die Toten werden dich, Herr, nicht loben (The Dead Praise Not the Lord)
[Gott] Sei mir gnädig (Be Merciful unto Me) 22 Version I 23 Version II
Er ist unser Herrscher (He is our Sovereign) 24 Version I 25 Version II 26 Version III
Herr Gott, mein Heiland (O Lord God of my Salvation)
27 Version I 28 Version II 29 Version III 30 Version IV
31 Ich will deines Namens gedenken (I Will Make Thy Name to be Remembered)
Mein Herr, ich rufe dich an (My Lord, I Call Upon You) 32 Version I 33 Version II
34 Herr, du bist ein Fels (Lord, You are a Rock) Version for mixed choir and piano (piano part completed by Folke Gräsbeck in bars 42-60) Folke Gräsbeck, piano
Appendix II: Alternative / Preliminary Versions
Kantaatti tohtorin- ja maisterinvihkijäisissä 31[30] päivänä toukokuuta 1897 (Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1897) JS 106 for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra [piano] Piano part of movements I, III, V, X, XII and XIV completed by Kalevi Aho (2010) (First recording) 1 Me nuoriso Suomen (We, the Youth of Finland) 2 Veno kupliksi vesille (A Boat Bobbing in the Water) 3 Tää valon nuori vartiasto (These Young Guardians of Light) 4 Soma on tieto siemeniksi (Sweet is the Knowledge that Bears Fruit) 5 Hei tointa tarmosaapa tarvitaan (Take Heed, Hard Work is Needed) 6 ... hylyksi jouda (... to Become a Wreck) 7 Oi, toivo, toivo, sä lietomieli (O Hope, Hope, You Dreamer) 8 Montapa elon merellä (Many on the Sea of Life) 9 ... Suvi nyt on Suomessa (... Now it is Summer in Finland) (fragment) 10 Soi kiitokseksi Luojan (We Praise Thee, Our Creator) 11 Yksin on elo iloton (Alone, Life is Cheerless) 12 Oi Lempi, sun valtas ääretön on (O Love, Your Realm is Limitless) 13 Kuin virta vuolas (As the Swift Current) 14 Sitä kuusta kuuleminen (Listen to the Spruce Tree)
Helena Juntunen, soprano Mika Pohjonen, tenor Dominante Choir Folke Gräsbeck, piano Seppo Murto, conductor
15 Hymn (Natus in curas) Op 21 Original version (1896)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Carminalia JS 51b (1898) Version for two-part female choir (SA) and organ 16 Ecce novum gaudium (Behold a New Joy) 17 Angelus emittitur (An Angel is Sent Out) 18 In stadio laboris (In Athletic Strife)
Jubilate Choir Kaj-Erik Gustafsson, organ Astrid Riska, conductor
19 Isänmaalle (To the Fatherland) JS 98b Original version for male voice choir (1899)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
20 Athenarnes sång (Song of the Athenians) Op 31 No 3 Version for boys' and mens' voices a cappella (1899) First recording
Helsingfors gosskör Gunnar Döragrip, vocal trainer Ekenäs gosskör Kristoffer Holmberg, vocal trainer Minervaskolans musikklasskör Nike Lönnqvist, vocal trainer Akademiska Sångföreningen Henrik Wikström, conductor
21 Impromptu Op 19 (1902) Original version for female choir and piano First recording
Florakören Heidi Gräsbeck, vocal coach Folke Gräsbeck, piano Ulf Långbacka, conductor
22 Har du mod? (Have you courage?) Op 31 No 2 Original version for male voice choir and piano (1904) First recording
Akademiska Sångföreningen Folke Gräsbeck, piano Henrik Wikström, conductor
23 Ej med klagan (Not with Lamentation) JS 69 (1905) Version for mixed choir with later corrections (bars 6-8, 14) First performance
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
24 Nejden andas (The Landscape Breathes) from The Breaking of the Ice on the Oulu River Op 30 Version for children's choir with first ending (1899, arranged 1913)
Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor
25 Till havs (To Sea) Op 84 No 5 Preliminary version (1917)
YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor
Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Give me no Splendour, Gold or Pomp) (1909) 26 Version for three-part boys' choir (arranged 1954) Gosskör från Lilla Akademien David Lundblad, conductor 27 Version for female choir [SSAA] and soprano (arranged 1942) Sirpa Lilius, soprano Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor 28 Version for female choir [SMA] and soprano (arranged 1942) Sirpa Lilius, soprano Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conductor
29 Suur' olet, Herra (You are Great, O Lord) JS 58b (1927, revised 1945) Version for male voice choir and organ
YL Male Voice Choir Harri Viitanen, organ Matti Hyökki, conductor
Finlandia Hymn from Op 26 30 Version for male voice choir (1899, arranged 1938) YL Male Voice Choir Matti Hyökki, conductor 31 Version in A flat major for mixed choir (1899, arranged 1948) Dominante Choir Seppo Murto, conductor