The Sibelius Edition - 10: Piano Music II
BIS-CD-1927/29 (5 discs)
Playing time: 75'57" / 72'42" / 69'53" / 76'01" / 51'44" - TT 346'17"
Tracks: 22 + 26 + 35 + 36 + 19
Booklet pages: 104
© 2007-2010 BIS Records AB
Reviewer: Robert Anderson
Review of The Sibelius Edition - 10: Piano Music II published on 26 September 2010
Folke Gräsbeck, piano (Steinway D)
Johan (Jean) Christian Julius Sibelius (1865-1957):
Pelléas och Mélisande (Pelléas and Mélisande) Op 46 Incidental music to the play by Maurice Mæterlinck - Concert Suite (1905) Piano transcription (1905) by the composer 1 Am schlosstor (At the Castle Gate) 2 Mélisande 3 Am Wunderborn im Park (By a Spring in the Park) 4 Die drei blinden Schwestern (The Three Blind Sisters) 5 Pastorale 6 Mélisande am Rocken (Mélisande at the Spinning Wheel) 7 Zwischenaktsmusik (Entr'acte) 8 Mélisandes Tod (The Death of Mélisande)
Belsazars gästabud (Belshazzar's Feast) Op 51 Incidental music to the play by Hjalmar Procopé - Concert Suite (1906-7) Piano transcription (1907) by the composer 9 Einzug (Oriental Procession) 10 Einsames Lied (Solitude) 11 Nachtmusik (Nocturne) 12 Khadras Tanz (Khadra's Dance)
Ten Pieces Op 58 (1909) 13 Rêverie 14 Scherzino 15 Air varié 16 Der Hirt (The Shepherd) 17 Des Abends (The Evening) 18 Dialogue 19 Tempo di Minuetto 20 Fischerlied (Fisher Song) 21 Ständchen (Serenade) 22 Sommerlied (Summer Song)
1 Pan and Echo Op 53 (1906) Piano transcription (1907) by the composer (first recording)
Three Sonatinas Op 67 (1912) Sonatina No 1 in F sharp minor 2 Allegro 3 Largo 4 Allegro moderato
Sonatina No 2 in E 5 Allegro 6 Andantino 7 Allegro
Sonatina No 3 in B flat minor 8 Andante - Allegro moderato 9 Andante - Allegretto
Two Rondinos Op 68 (1912) 10 G sharp minor - Andantino 11 C sharp minor - Vivace
12 Kellosävel Kallion kirkossa Op 65b (1912) (The Bells of Kallio Church) Piano transcription (1912) by the composer
from Scaramouche Op 71 Incidental music to the pantomime by Poul Knudsen and Mikael Trepka Bloch (1913) Piano transcriptions (1913-14) by the composer 13 Danse élégiaque 14 Scène d'amour
15 Spagnuolo JS 181 (1913)
16 Till trånaden (To Longing) JS 202 (1913)
Four Lyric Pieces Op 74 (1914) 17 Ekloge (Eclogue) 18 Sanfter Westwind (Soft West Wind) 19 Auf dem Tanzvergnügen (At the Dance) 20 Im alten Heim (In the Old Home)
Five Pieces ('The Trees') Op 75 21 När rönnen blommar (When the Rowan Blossoms (1914) 22 Den ensamma furan (The Solitary Fir Tree) (1914) 23 Aspen (The Aspen) (1914) 24 Björken (The Birch) (1914) 25 Granen (The Spruce) (1914 revised 1919)
26 Syringa [Op 75 No 6] (1914)
Thirteen Pieces Op 76
1 Esquisse (1917) 2 Étude (1911) 3 Carillon (1914) 4 Humoresque (1916) 5 Consolation (1919) 6 Romanzetta (1914) 7 Affetuoso (1917) 8 Pièce enfantine (1916) 9 Arabesque (1914) 10 Elegiaco (1916) 11 Linnaea (1918) 12 Capriccietto (1914) 13 Harlequinade (1916)
from Jokamies (Jedermann/Everyman) Op 83 Incidental music to the play by Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1916) Piano transcriptions (1925) by the composer (First recording) 14 Episodio [No 2] 15 Scena [Nos 7-9] 16 Canzone [No 4]
Five Pieces ('The Flowers') Op 85 17 Bellis (The Daisy) (1917) 18 Oeillet (The Carnation) (1916) 19 Iris (The Iris) (1916) 20 Aquileja (The Columbine) (1917) 21 Campanula (The Campanula) (1917)
22 Mandolinato JS 123 (1917)
Two Marches 23 Jääkärien marssi (March of the Finnish Jaeger Batallion) Op 91a (1917) 24 Partiolaisten marssi (Scout March) Op 91b (1918)
Six Pieces Op 94 25 Danse (1919) 26 Nouvellette (1914) 27 Sonnet (1919) 28 Berger et bergerette (1919) 29 Mélodie (1919) 30 Gavotte (1919)
Two Pieces for Oscar Parviainen (first recordings) 31 Andantino JS 201 (1919) 32 Con passione JS 53 (1919)
Three Pieces Op 96 33 Valse lyrique (1919) 34 Autrefois (1919) Piano transcription (1920) by the composer 35 Valse chevaleresque (1921, revised 1922)
Six Bagatelles Op 97 (1920) 1 Humoreske I 2 Lied (Song) 3 Kleiner Walzer (Little Waltz) 4 Humoristischer Marsch (Humorous March) 5 Impromptu 6 Humoreske II
Suite mignonne Op 98a (1921) Piano transcription (1921) by the composer 7 Petite Scène 8 Polka 9 Epilogue
Suite champêtre Op 98b (1922) Piano transcription (1922) by the composer 10 Pièce caractéristique 11 Mélodie élégiaque 12 Danse
Eight Short Pieces Op 99 (1922) 13 Pièce humoristique 14 Esquisse 15 Souvenir 16 Impromptu 17 Couplet 18 Animoso 19 Moment de valse 20 Petite marche
Suite caractéristique Op 100 (1922) Piano transcription (1922) by the composer 21 Vivo 22 Lento 23 Commodo
Five Romantic Compositions Op 101 (1923-24) 24 Romance 25 Chant du soir 26 Scène lyrique 27 Humoresque 28 Scène romantique
Five Characteristic Impressions Op 103 (1923-24) 29 The Village Church 30 The Fiddler 31 The Oarsman 32 The Storm 33 In Mournful Mood
from The Tempest Op 109 Incidental music to the play by William Shakespeare (1925) Piano transcriptions (1927) by the composer 34 Episode (Miranda) 35 Tanz der Nymphen (Dance of the Nymphs) 36 Scène
1 Morceau romantique sur un motif de M Jacob de Julin JS 135b (1925)
2 Ett ensamt skidspår (A Lonely Ski-Trail) JS 77a (1925) for recitation and piano Text: Bertel Gripenberg
Lasse Pöysti, recitation
Five Esquisses Op 114 (1929) 3 Maisema (Landscape) 4 Talvikuva (Winter Scene) 5 Metsälampi (Forest Lake) 6 Metsälaulu (Song in the Forest) 7 Kevätnäky (Spring Vision)
8 Adagio JS 161 (1931) for piano four hands (First recording)
Peter Lönnqvist, piano II
Appendix: Preliminary / Alternative Versions
from Belsazars gästabud (Belshazzar's Feast) JS 48 Incidental music to the play by Hjalmar Procopé (1906) Piano transcriptions (1906) by the composer (First recording) 9 Livets dans (Dance of Life) (No 4) 10 Dödens dans (Dance of Death) (No 5)
11 Ballade (c1912) Preliminary version of Aspen Op 75 No 3 (First recording)
12 Granen (The Spruce) (1914) Preliminary version of Op 75 No 5 (First recording)
13 Valse lyrique (1919) Preliminary version of Op 96a combining material from Syringa (1914) and Granen (1914) (First recording)
14 Valse chevaleresque (1921) Preliminary version of Op 96c (First recording)
15 Lied (Song) (1920) Preliminary version of Op 97 No 2 (First recording)
16 Impromptu (1920) Preliminary version of Op 97 No 5 (First recording)
17 Andantino - Allegretto (1923-24) Preliminary version of Scène romantique Op 101 No 5 (First recording)
18 In Mournful Mood (1923-24) Preliminary version of Op 103 No 5 (First recording)
19 Metsälaulu (Song in the Forest) (1929) Preliminary version of Op 114 No 4 (First recording)