GIUSEPPE PENNISI tours Austria with a young Italian symphony orchestra
The second half of February is a charming time to visit Austria; the snow is beginning to melt and the first signs of Spring can be smelt in the air. It is especially enchanting to tour Austria, from Styria to Vienna via Salzburg, in three buses with a young orchestra invited to perform four concerts during a week in some of the most prestigious halls of continental Europe. Before summarizing the journey, it may be useful to recall that last Autumn, the periodical Gig (incorporating International Arts Manager) devoted two full pages to the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma (OSR), a comparatively new formation in the Italian and European landscape. The Gig article is an important signal of the international attention received by a symphony orchestra which began operating only about eight years ago. Also a left-of-center Italian think tank (Astrid) is joining forces with a free market research institution (Istituto Bruno Leoni) for a study of OSR's artistic and financial success; the study will form the core of a forthcoming book on the Italian performing arts...
Copyright © 4 March 2010 Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy